Articles and videos about wellbeing
Here you will find exclusive free resources divided into 4 sections:
For the body
General wellbeing tips, mainly from Tibetan medicine. Why Tibetan medicine? Find the answer in this article.
For the mind
Tackling burnout. How to feel better and find kyizom (=Tibetan for plentiful happiness) More about this here in this article.
For life in general
Every time I tell people about my experiences in several countries, they say I should write a book. Hopefully you will find some use or entertainment in the stories I am sharing here.
For mindfulness
Free guided meditations in 4 languages.
Why stories?
The idea Having lived in different countries, each time with a different aim in mind, I have had the chance to deal with a multitude of people from very different backgrounds and lifestyles. Often I have also put myself or just happened to be in quite...
Burnout Inner and Outer Factors
The first step to building good relationships is to take good care of yourself. If you are constantly burned out and tired, chances are that people are not seeing the best version of you. This is why this section is dedicated to tackling burnout. There are 2 sides to...
How and why I became a life coach
International Busy-ness In 2002, in Japan, watching a bunch of businessmen walking to the train station, drunk after a busy work day, it struck me: I was going to do something similar for the rest of my life. With my Masters in International Business, I was going to...
Contentment beats insatisfaction
Insatisfaction eats you up. But sometimes we don't realize what we have before we lose it. If you have health, food, shelter and loved ones around, there is nothing else you need to be happy. So if you still always feel depressed and sad, the only thing you need to do...
Sleep well!
Sleep is often underestimated in our Western world. Many times anxiety, stress, headache, restlessness and numerous other symptoms people frequently experience are caused by lack of sleep. In fact, people have been so used to lack of sleep that it is not even...
Meditation for general relaxation
When you feel at ease in your body and mind, the quality of your relationships with everyone improves like magic. Here is a short meditation to calm down, relax, and find peace of mind.
The secret of Japanese perfection
The first time I went to Japan, I was really amazed, I kept on saying I felt as if I was on another planet. Everything seemed so different and so strange. This brought up all sorts of mixed feelings and emotions, and often caused me to criticize everything a lot,...
Anger is your worst enemy
Anger is probably the strongest destroyer of good relationships.. And it also hinders you from enjoying people's presence. You can be in the most beautiful place, eat the most delicious food in the best company, if you feel anger inside you won’t enjoy any of it. It...
Sleep at night!
Who wants to sleep when the evening and night has so much to offer? In our modern world full of exciting offers, once the sun goes down, you feel like you are missing out big time if you simply go to sleep. And yet, it is so important! Even the nicest people get...
Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan medicine
Interconnection Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan medicine are interconnected. Ignorance is the root cause of all diseases. From ignorance, attachment, hatred and delusion arise, which further cause the imbalance of three energies of our body which are wind, bile...